Archive for January, 2007
The new Adobe icons have left a few people feeling a on the periodic table side of life, so one group has decided to run a contest to design a new set of icons for the Adobe Creative Suite.
Maybe one of us Director-centrists could create a new icon and we’ll just throw Director in the Creative Suite Bundle from now on. 🙂
January 31st, 2007
I know I’m late to posting about this, but…the new Adobe icons for the next generation of products was revealed back in December.

When I saw this the first thing I thought about was a periodic table of the elements (particularly the circular form of the table).
While looking around for the circular form, I found a site that has a nice periodic spiral that was created in Director (just click on the pretty picture).
If you can’t figure out what every icon represents there is a nice page at Flickr that has a note attached to each icon. How many of the Adobe icons also represent chemical elements? At a casual glance I see 7…but I could be wrong. Why seven? Is that for luck? Now I need to think of a cool chemical name for Di.
January 12th, 2007
Tribalmedia announced an updated version of their multimedia authoring tool called iShell. One of the key features being touted is the fact that this version is now a Universal Binary.
iShell 4.5 brings native support for Mac OS X on Intel chips as well as for PowerPC chips running on Mac OS X 10.3.9 or greater. This brings great speed enhancements for iShell on the Macintosh platform and keeps iShell moving forward into the future.
Tribalmedia is offering crossgrades for current Director users with a relatively low cost.
I really hope Adobe takes this as a bit of a push to get Director moving forward in the near future. Microsoft and Adobe are the last two companies to get major products released for the Intel-based Macs. Of course, their software has been around for many years (lots of older code), and is pretty large (just think of the lines of code for Photoshop).
I still dream about the day I won’t have to use Rosetta mode to view Shockwave content.
January 11th, 2007
Last year ExploreLearning won a Codie Award for the Best Science Instruction Solution. ExploreLearning (that’s where I work!) uses Director to create web-based science and math simulations.
I’m happy to say that we are once again a finalist in the Best Science Instruction Solution category.
Shockwave and science seems to be a good combination. I’m hoping I end up with another Codie sitting on my bookshelf 🙂
January 8th, 2007