The planning for Adobe Max 2007 continues, and you can now submit products for the Max Awards. Perhaps Chamber of Chat (a recent Adobe Site of the Day) or Habbo Hotel would stand a chance. Both great Massive Multi-player Role Playing Games. [Note: Briefly reading the awards page I’m not clear if the project had to be made just during this year, or just a project in general.]
The conference will be in Chicago this fall (September 30 – October 3, 2007) and I’m hoping to attend…particularly if they have at least one session related to Director (it has been many years since that has occurred). Requests for a Director session got mentioned in the comments over on the Max 2007 Blog.
May 22nd, 2007
Although Director 11 won’t be out until later this year, Adobe has shown the new icon on the Icon Color Wheel. Some people really liked the new icons, and others weren’t so happy. Luckily, there are many creative people out there, so new icon sets for Adobe CS3 apps have appeared on the web. A few of the sets have stayed ahead of the game and included Director icons. Click on them to see where they came from.
I can’t wait to see the real thing later this year!

May 15th, 2007
I rarely need to record what I see and hear on the screen, but every now and then a reason pops up. I’d used some others in the past, but on my MacIntel I was looking for a Universal program. I stumbled on to iShowU.
iShowU allows you to capture and record anything you can see on your screen, along with audio from a compatible source (like a microphone) as well as any audio from the mac itself.
I recorded my actions while playing Food Force on my 2.16 GHz Intel iMac for more than 30 minutes. If you download Food Force (it was made with Director, so was running in Rosetta-mode) you’ll see that it included a wealth of video, audio, and game play. iShowU had no problem keeping up with it all, and it left a lovely 3 Gig movie sitting on my desktop. Even on my older 1.42 GHz PPC iBook the recording was smooth (although my fan got cranked up a bit).
For just $20 it is hard to beat the price.
May 2nd, 2007