Archive for June, 2007
While on the topic of 3D (see previous post), a brand new Adobe Case Study got posted today.
It discuses Maid Marian Entertainment and how they use the 3D features of Director/Shockwave to create massive multiplayer online games (Sherwood Dungeon in particular). I know I loved Dungeons & Dragons when I was a bit younger 🙂
June 21st, 2007
Many moons ago I worked with CC Chamberlin. He knows Director! From the dirGames mailing list he posted this:
Howdy –
For a conference we were hosting in Albuquerque this week, I presented a session on Shockwave3D game development, and now that the conference is over, I wanted to share the related documents I created for the session.
There are 53 pages of introductory tutorials and discussion about developing games for Shockwave3D, spread among four documents:
Creating 3D Educational Games (6 pgs)
Introduction to Low-Polygon 3D Modeling for Games (12 pgs)
Introduction to Low-Polygon Game Asset Texturing (15 pgs)
Introduction to 3D Game Scripting (20 pgs)
Most of this content will be too basic for the gurus out there, but it might be of interest to newcomers or for educators looking to help others get started. (The first document acts as an overview and introduction to the other three. Most of the people on these lists can skip it, but I’m including it for completeness’ sake.)
You can get the tutorials at his Shockwave3D Developer’s Guide site. Fantastic stuff.
June 21st, 2007
As was somewhat expected, Director is entirely missing from Adobe Max 2007. Always a dissapointment. Our company was hoping to use the “send 3 for the price of 2” special, but it now looks like it will be a send no one, spend nothing conference.
In recent blog posts a new version (and future versions) were mentioned by key people from Adobe, but it is just always frustrating that the product is entirely ignored by Macromedia (and now Adobe).
June 20th, 2007
Want to learn a bit more about Director? Adobe is offering an eSeminar this week (June 20) and next month (July 24). From the Adobe site:
Please join us for a live, interactive, one-hour online seminar to learn how Director MX 2004 from Adobe is being used to quickly create online and downloadable games, multimedia training and educational content and multimedia applications.
They will answer questions about how Director can help you:
- Author once and deploy anywhere
- Create content using the media of their choice
- Publish content across platforms
- Create sophisticated interactivity with a choice of scripting languages
- Utilize extensible authoring and playback environments to obtain features and functionality not provided “out of the box”
- Tap into the strength and power provided by a robust 3rd party Xtra developer community to extend the functionality delivered to the client
June 17th, 2007
“Company” of course means the one I work with 🙂
For the second time in three years we (ExploreLearning) won the Distinguished Achievement Award from the Association of Educational Publishers. The award was in the Science Instructional Websites (Grade 9-12) category.

I’m over on the right side. Do I look like I enjoyed the open bar at the start of the evening? It was a rather fun evening, at least as far as I can recall…
June 13th, 2007
Charles Parcell (a long time Director user) has created a survey about your use of Director in an effort to help the folks at Adobe realize the their target market and Director developers target markets.
If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the survey with as much detail as you can, it would be much appreciated. the survey is 100% anonymous.
Feel free to pass this survey on to others.
Survey Monkey: Director Survey
OK…go for it!
June 13th, 2007
For those that missed it a beta of the Safari browser was released for Windows yesterday. The main reason for this (at least at this point) is so Windows users will be able to insure that apps they develop for the iPhone will function correctly (my opinion of course).
I tried viewing Shockwave pages with the browser on two different machines. On one it would ALWAYS crash whenever trying to view a dcr, and on the other machine it loaded correctly about 70% of the time, displayed just a white region 25% of the time, and crashed 5% of the time. Both machines were WXPSP2.
Looks like Apple has a bit more work to do for Windows users.
June 12th, 2007
I updated this site earlier today. I noticed my “about me” page is missing. Not sure what is up with that. I think the problem is my really old (by internet standards) theme. I may have to change themes…ugh..big decisions.
Update: Found an updated version of my theme (see link at bottom of page). About me page is back. Now up to WP 2.2. The tough part was that the default RSS feed widget that comes with WP2.2 seems to have a problem with RSS feeds that have a question mark in them. I downloaded the KB Advanced RSS Widget and it has no problem, so the Macromedia Director feed is back on the sidebar.
If anything seems to be broken let me know. Next post…dealing with 300,000 files in one folder…
June 10th, 2007