The official press release is out.
For immediate release
Major Product Upgrade Advances Multimedia Authoring Environment
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Feb. 19, 2008 — Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced Adobe® Director® 11 software, a major upgrade to the company’s powerful multimedia authoring tool for building interactive applications and rich content. The latest release contains a flexible and easy-to-use authoring environment enabling multimedia authors, animators and developers to create powerful interactive applications, games, e-learning and simulation products…
The Director product page has also been updated. I like the new box 🙂
February 19th, 2008
From the wealth of online posts, looks as if Director 11 will be here tomorrow…and it might look like this (thanks Wolfgang).

Image links to CDW product page.
Adobe next month will release Director 11, an update to its graphics assembly, that it hopes will lure game developers with its better 3D imaging.
Adobe is expected to detail the latest features of Director at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco on Tuesday.
Director 11 is used to build games, as well as graphics-rich presentations, and learning applications. It uses the Shockwave plug-in to render 3D graphics.
The latest version includes physics, or movement between images, using the Ageia PhysX engine and support for DirectX 9, which can take advantage of recent graphics cards.
It will make it easier for designers to create more realistic 3D images, such as colliding cars on a racing game, said Rick Jones, senior product marketing manager at Adobe. The inclusion of Flash Player 9 enables the inclusion of animations and slick graphics for things like game menus.
When Adobe releases Director 11 next month, the price will be $999, rather than $1,199, which is the cost of the current version. Upgrades are $299 and a new student edition is available for $99.
Source: 1, 2, 3
And from the Adobe Director support forums, skiplondon has posted the following, so be sure to get your questions to him:
We are out in San Francisco for the announcement of new version of Director which will be coming from Adobe tomorrow. We will be reporting on this and sitting down with all the people on the Adobe Director team.
If you would like to have me ask them any questions for you, please email me at director @ magicgate . com . You only have about 24 hours left to submit your questions. These will be aired on our next episode of the Director Podcast hopefully on Wednesday morning.
If you wish to hear older episodes of our show, you can go to
Thanks for that Skip, I’ll be looking forward to the next Podcast!
February 18th, 2008
Way back at Adobe Max 2007 in Chicago (I can’t wait for 2008 in SanFran!) I went to the Director sessions. They were giving out pens to promote the next version of Director (which will officially be announced at the GDC this week according to online sources). I’d promised to put pictures of the pen online.
I finally got around to it 🙂
The pen has the new Director logo on one side, and the slogan “Make Better Games” on the others. Inside the pen are two metallic balls that you try to get through the red plastic maze. Very cool 3D game for the real world. I wonder if Adobe will have a 3D version of this shipping as a sample with the new Director. That would be cool.

February 17th, 2008
According to the most recent Director Podcast Adobe will be announcing the new Director at the Games Developer Conference next week.
Another user on the Adobe Director forums pointed to an image from the Adobe server (how on Earth do people find such things?).
<--- It is so cute!
Image is here on Adobe site
February 13th, 2008
ExploreLearning won a Codie each of the past two years. This year we are finalists for a Codie in two different categories: Best Mathematics Instructional Solution and Best Science Instructional Solution for the ExploreLearning Gizmos.
Gizmos are made with Director (and have been since 1995).
Will I get my hands on two Codies this year? The two sitting on my desk are getting a bit lonely 🙂
February 13th, 2008
Interested in doing some 3D game development? If so, please drop a line to webmediajobs at gmail . com. Job description as follows:
I have an browser based multiplayer game under development. I’m currently exploring other options in the way of developers.
I want just one person fulltime for several months – maybe more.
The game is 3rd person style… a la tomb raider. All the CG has been done in 3DMAX.
February 8th, 2008
After more than a year, the Director Podcast has returned from the “virtual” dead. Drop over to the Magicgate Director Podcast site to listen to the podcast.
Looks like Director will be at the Games Developer Conference (as they were last year), and possibly making an announcement of the new Director on Feb 18 based on this thread over on the Adobe Director forums.
February 5th, 2008