Archive for April, 2008

Director 11 for Mac Updated

An updated version of Director 11 was released over the weekend for Mac users:

This is a Mac only update that addresses the following issues:

  • Referencing a cast member fails when the Cast name has special characters like
    !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, |, },etc
  • Shockwave Audio (SWA) files were not streamed properly
  • Field component performance is very slow on MAC

For detailed installation instructions and files changed, please see the readme.txt file.

You can download this update on the Director downloads page.

Add comment April 28th, 2008

Shockwave.ini jumps to new home (OSX)

For the developers out there that like to get a slightly more descriptive error message in their Shockwave-based content you need to have a Shockwave.ini file placed in your shockwave folder. This prior post talked about where you should put it for Shockwave 10 on OSX.

With Shockwave 11 you should navigate to your /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Shockwave 11/ folder. There you will see the DirectorShockwave.bundle. Control-click (right-click) on that bundle and choose “Show contents.” Inside that sits the Plugin.framework folder.

Place the Shockwave.ini in that folder (you will probably have to enter your password at that time) with this text in it.


That usually makes debugging just a bit easier 🙂

Note: I haven’t yet looked in to the location for Windows. If anyone knows feel free to comment. I’m sure I’ll need to look for it one of these days.

Add comment April 24th, 2008

New Director Sites Pop Up

Looks as if two new Director sites popped up recently. You can drop by CodeRecipe: A recipe for 3d game coders which seems to focus on using the Ageia PhysX engine to do 3d gaming in Director, and Adobe Director Online which is the site for Director users from Director users.

Most Director sites haven’t been really lively in the past few years (including this one) as compared to five or ten years ago, so it is good to see a few sprouts popping up here in the springtime.

1 comment April 22nd, 2008

Hello World! Yet Again.

Welcome to WordPress…yet again. I made quite a few behind the scene changes. Thanks to those that pointed out some things wrong on the site. I still have some changes to make, but I think I have things stabilized.

Add comment April 22nd, 2008

1245 page Lingo Dictionary. New Technotes.

I’ll be honest, I still haven’t had time to play with Dir 11. Drudge work lately has been leaving me so tired when I get home that I just want to veg out, run, or drink — while avoiding computers. But while browsing around on and grabbing Lightroom 2.0 beta I noticed new stuff kicking around for Director.

If you want a light read drop by and download the 1245 page Director 11 Scripting Reference. That sure is a lot of lingo.

With that PDF opened I noticed the manual was authored in FrameMaker. I’m still so sad that they ditched the Mac version of that program. Maybe “a tad pissed” is more appropriate than sad. I’ve never gotten over that one…even Steve Jobs was peeved, since all Apple manuals used to be done in FrameMaker. [OK…enough of my side rant.]

To go along with installation problems that were initially reported, Adobe has released a number of technotes related to installation and computer lock up. Far more info on the Director Support Center.

1 comment April 16th, 2008

Director Sites


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