Posts filed under 'Adobe'

New Director Evangelist

With the upcoming release of Director 11 (still scheduled for last half of 2007…which is soon!) Adobe seems to have added a Director Evangelist to the team. From postings on the Adobe forums it looks as though Allen Partridge is now that person. He has been active on many mailing lists over the years, and was the author of Real-Time Interactive 3D Games: Creating 3D Games in Macromedia Director.

If you happen to be involved with a Director User Group you should check out this thread…he is looking for you!

Congrats Allen. Looking forward to hearing more about Director in the coming months and years.

Evangelism: Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work. Militant zeal for a cause.

7 comments November 25th, 2007

Director at DevLearn 2007

The DevLearn 2007 Developers Conference started up today in conjunction with the Adobe Learning Summit. Dr. Ellen Wagner will be presenting several sessions at the conference. Two involve migrating from Authorware to other Adobe eLearning products. Dr. Wagner got a chance to speak during the BOF Director session at MAX 2007 where she talked about how Director is superb for creating serious games (immersive learning simulations).

Rick Jones (Adobe Senior Product Marketing Manager for Director and Contribute) also spoke at both of the Director sessions at MAX, and will be running a session called Creating Effective Serious Games with Director and Flash.

Adobe continues to heavily promote Director at various eLearning and game conferences across the country in the past few months. Adobe is definitely keeping busy.

3 comments October 9th, 2007

EL in Adobe Sneak Peek

The video from the Director 11 Sneak Peek session has made it out on to the web! I’d heard that our company got mentioned in the session, and lo and behold, it was really in there. We (aka ExploreLearning) were the middle item listed under educational content publishers. A bit small in this picture, but I still feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

EL in Adobe Session

The video for this session is rather long (aka large file) so I’m turning it in to a FLV and we’ll see where I can put it up. Those on the Direct-L mailing list probably noticed where the video is currently sitting, and if you really need to see it soon you can go ahead and join the list to see the archives from this week.

1 comment October 9th, 2007

Director in Weeds

For those that watch the Showtime series Weeds, you may have noticed your favorite little icon around the 25 minute mark of the episode that aired last Monday while I was off at Adobe MAX in Chicago.

In this scene the main dope dealing character was stalking a woman (not yet sure why…plot twist is ongoing) who gives mammograms. To start the mammogram the woman double-clicks on the Director icon on a machine running OSX. The icon expands as a program begins, and that is the point that they cut away from the computer screen. Later when they came back to it a data acquisition program was running.

I wonder if the people that create Weeds knew most of us would miss this since we were in Chicago. Hmm… Anyway, I still want to get my thoughts from MAX up here and pictures of the funky new pen in the next few days so stay tuned (a cold is dragging me down a bit right now).

Director Icon in Weeds TV Show
Picture snapped with my Cybershot…looked better in HDTV!

2 comments October 8th, 2007

Off to Chicago for MAX 2007

I’ll be heading off to Chicago tomorrow morning to attend MAX. I’ll be at the BOF session for Director and lots of other sessions during the week (ok..just three days). The conference sold out, so I expect this to be a great time.

Flickr already has lots of photos going up with the max2007 tag. I’ll try to get a few up if I find a few spare minutes.

If you want to get in touch, drop me an email (multimediaguy @ gmail . com) or search for Raman on that “flashy” contact thing Adobe set up for the conference.

Now…what have I forgotten to pack?

2 comments September 29th, 2007

Director Pre-Marketing Ramps Up

Adobe has recently been doing a few things in preparation for the upcoming (2nd half 2007) release of Director. A number of people received an email message that contained a link to a survey where Adobe was curious how people were using Director.

In a recent eLearning Guild email message the following was posted:

Help Shape the Future Development of Educational Applications and Serious Games: Would you like to help shape the direction of a new educational content and application development product from Adobe? StrategyOne will be conducting an online focus group for Adobe to talk about an exciting new product, and we want to hear your opinions and ideas. It will take place on Tuesday July 24th from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm Eastern time. In appreciation of your participation in the focus group, you will receive a cash incentive of $50. If you are interested in participating, please take a moment…

It turns out a good portion of this forum was dedicated to determining how the new version of Director should be marketed.

All I know is I can’t wait for a version that runs on my MacIntel that I’ve had for a year.

Add comment July 26th, 2007

Massive Multiplayer Dungeon. Fun.

While on the topic of 3D (see previous post), a brand new Adobe Case Study got posted today.

It discuses Maid Marian Entertainment and how they use the 3D features of Director/Shockwave to create massive multiplayer online games (Sherwood Dungeon in particular). I know I loved Dungeons & Dragons when I was a bit younger 🙂

3 comments June 21st, 2007

Director Skips Max 2007

As was somewhat expected, Director is entirely missing from Adobe Max 2007. Always a dissapointment. Our company was hoping to use the “send 3 for the price of 2” special, but it now looks like it will be a send no one, spend nothing conference.

In recent blog posts a new version (and future versions) were mentioned by key people from Adobe, but it is just always frustrating that the product is entirely ignored by Macromedia (and now Adobe).

4 comments June 20th, 2007

Adobe eSeminar on Director

Want to learn a bit more about Director? Adobe is offering an eSeminar this week (June 20) and next month (July 24). From the Adobe site:

Please join us for a live, interactive, one-hour online seminar to learn how Director MX 2004 from Adobe is being used to quickly create online and downloadable games, multimedia training and educational content and multimedia applications.

They will answer questions about how Director can help you:

  • Author once and deploy anywhere
  • Create content using the media of their choice
  • Publish content across platforms
  • Create sophisticated interactivity with a choice of scripting languages
  • Utilize extensible authoring and playback environments to obtain features and functionality not provided “out of the box”
  • Tap into the strength and power provided by a robust 3rd party Xtra developer community to extend the functionality delivered to the client

3 comments June 17th, 2007

Shockwave for Vista Update Coming Soon

I talked about using Director in a session at the eLearning Guild 2007 Conference last week and it was announced (by Rick Jones from Adobe) that there will be an update for Vista later this month in the Shockwave Plug-in. Several sessions talked about using Director for Immersive Learning Simulations (ILS), particularly for the multiuser web-based content.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that a MacIntel version will show up before the school year starts. At least a beta version over on Adobe Labs.

A few more thoughts from the conference later this week.

2 comments April 17th, 2007

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