Posts filed under 'Blog tools'

Pop up preview of dcrs in WordPress

One of the things I did want to do was modify my WordPress installation so I could upload a dcr file, and also so I could quickly post that dcr so it would show up in a pop up window without me having to enter much info when editing my post. After a bit of research I figured out how to do that (see below about my web-ignorance).

Click for pop up window.

Now, does this work on all browsers/platforms? Will it work with that new M$ security patch in IE6 and the new IE7? Hmm…I think I’ll worry about that at a later time.

To get this to work I edited my header.php file and added this script just after the </head> tag (via the WordPress > Dashboard > Presentation interface).

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function popUpDCRWindow(aW, aH, sW, sH, aFile)
var tmp = newwindow2.document;
tmp.write('<html><head><title>a preview window</title>');
tmp.write('</head><body bgcolor=#A3C159>');
tmp.write('<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"');
tmp.write('WIDTH="'+sW+'" HEIGHT="'+sH+'">');
tmp.write('<PARAM NAME="SRC" VALUE="'+aFile+'">');
tmp.write('<EMBED SRC="'+aFile+'" WIDTH='+sW+' HEIGHT='+sH+' TYPE="application/x-director" PLUGINSPAGE=');
// -->

When I am writing a post I can upload a dcr file (see prior post about adding file types to WP) and am then presented with the options.

DCR upload process

I make the selections shown in the picture, and then ‘Send to editor.’ When I do that I get this placed in the current posting:

<a id="p50" href="

I make a few quick edits to that and covert it to:

<a href="javascript:popUpDCRWindow(600, 300, 320, 240, '
/uploads/2006/06/popup_test.dcr')">Click for pop up window.</a>

The numbers in the javascript call represent the pop-up window width, height, dcr width, and dcr height. Is this a good solution? I’m sure there is a better way, but I’ll stick with this for now. If anyone has a simpler method, feel free to drop me a line. This one is at least simple enough for the day.

Back in the old days of 1993 — 1995 I was pretty good as a web guy. I knew the five or six different things you could do in HTML and by 1995 I could even do Shockwave. Now I’m more or less crushed by HTML. To do nifty stuff you need to know PHP, MySql, CFM, and/or a wealth of other stuff.

Thus, for my web presence I more or less live with things such as WordPress (but still enjoy tinkering with it). The people that work on blogging tools do such a good job that I don’t find it productive to spend my own time on such things, but playing with Director is still fun 🙂

Note: Several lines of the code in this post had breaks put in them for layout.

Add comment June 14th, 2006

WordPress and the DCR file type

While working on the best way to put up sample dcr files for viewing on this site I tried to upload a dcr but I was rejected by WordPress. In pre 2.0 versions of WP uploads were handled on an upload page where you had the option to add new file types. This option has been removed (as far as I could tell) in WP2.

To get around this so you can easily upload dcr files you just have to open the wordpress/wp-admin/admin-functions.php file and add the dcr file type to the allowed types for uploading.

If you open that file, search for the line containing the swf file type (near the bottom), and add the dcr type below it, so it looks like this.

'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
'dcr' => 'application/x-director',

I tested it once, so it must be OK…right? Now I’m playing with a popup window solution for displaying these, a ‘menu’ system of some sort, or just a direct link to the dcr. Since the last sounds easiest, I have a feeling I’ll go with that one. Simplicity…often the best answer.

4 comments February 26th, 2006

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