Lingo ranks 45th
April 5th, 2006
What is the #1 most popular programming language? Which language are you most familiar with?
According to TIOBE Software Lingo sits at #45 in the overall rankings. Is that good or bad? Using the fact that the ratings are based on “the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors,” do you think it is an accurate representation?
Java sits at number 1. Actionscript at 32. I’ve only had one computer class in my entire life and that was Fortran on punch cards (how many actually remember those?). Fortran sits there at 21.
Interesting tidbit. As a non-sequiter connection, the 45th most populous country in 2005 was Venezuela. In 2000 it was Iraq.
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1. PE'R | December 4th, 2006 at 4:31 pm
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