SpotLight, OSX, & Director
June 25th, 2006
For those of you that run OSX Spotlight as a search tool is a mixed blessing. Sometimes it seems useful, sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes you wonder what the hell was Apple thinking.1
One thing that is very useful is the RavWare Director Spotlight Plugin. This allows indexing of all my .dir and .cst files sitting on my computer. When I recall that I wrote a behavior/handler to integrate a function (all that geeky math stuff) I could use spotlight to search for the word ‘integrate’ and there is a very good chance my Director file will appear among the results.
I’ve been using it since the day it came out, and find it worth every penny — it is a mere $10.99!
1 As a side note to Spotlight, I often use EasyFind when doing basic searches.
Entry Filed under: Apple,Daily thoughts,External goodies
1 Comment Add your own
1. Zac Belado | August 8th, 2006 at 12:29 pm
I’ll add another vote for this plugin. Its allowed me to find methods in external casts any number of times and it is indeed well worth the price
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