Google has found me!

Google link. Google amazes me. Or scares me. I’m not yet sure.

Add comment February 9th, 2006

Shockwave on Intel-based Mac’s

I got a chance to play on a new Intel Mac the other day. If you want to run Shockwave content on these you’ll have to do an apple-i on the Safari app (get info) and choose the Open in Rosetta option. It will slow things down, but the Shockwave content seems to run at a pretty good pace. On the Direct-L mailing list it was stated that Adobe will work on a native version of the plug-in (more about this in later days).

Shockwave under Rosetta

14 comments February 9th, 2006

New site. First task.

OK, the site is just starting. The first thing on my list of things to do is start getting lots of links put in on the sidebar, since there are so many great Director sites out there (some since 1994 like Director Web…where I first started learning Lingo). After that I’ll work on the next thing for my list of things.

Add comment February 8th, 2006

on startMovie

Welcome to my new blog related to Macromedia Director. When I have time I’ll post a few odds and ends here that I notice while playing with Director.

I tried to get a blog of this sort started about a year ago or so and my HD crashed about a month after that. Needless to say, I didn’t have a backup, so it fell by the wayside as my workload took over, but I’m now trying to make time for a bit of this, and a bit of that.

Stay tuned for thoughts, tips, tricks, and babbling of most anything related to Macromedia Director (oops…I mean Adobe Director) and other geeky things.

1 comment February 6th, 2006

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